When Dogs Rule the World
This dream involved my dogs, Lady and CD, while
I was still in high school. Lady, my German Short-haired Pointer,
always had to have all the attention. If you tried to pet any other
dog, she would jump in front and bark at the other dog until he
or she went away. CD, short for Cher Delite, was a calm and hairy
samoyed. She was older and less active but when she got excited
she would jump and wobble in the air. They're both gone now. It
was sad both times when they died but they lived happy and full
The dream started off in downtown Las Vegas. It was
an older Vegas before I lived there or before I was even born. I
saw a few minutes of the old show Vega$ once and there were a lot
less buildings there. In my dream, there was an empty lot on a corner
near the church I used to go to. In the empty lot there was a dog.
He was an old, filthy dog lying near an empty bowl. I asked him,
"What are you doing here?"
He said, "I'm drunk from all the orange juice."
Just then I heard Lady barking. She was chasing CD,
who was riding a bicycle. It had a comical look to it and reminded
me of that picture of the dogs playing poker that Homer Simpson
likes so much. Lady was the only normal dog in my dream and she
was jealous of CD because of all the attention she would get on
a bicycle.I turned my attention back to the old dog. As soon as
I turned to him, he burst into flames! Spontaneous canine combustion...
I figured it happened because he was drunk. A few nights before
I read an article about spontaneous human combustion and how a lot
of cases had alcohol in common. I tried to smother the flames with
dirt. I looked away for a few seconds to concentrate on digging,
When I looked back he was buried and still burning. Poor dog. I
didn't save the dog so off I went to search for CD on the bike.
The end.