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Dream for July 8th, 2003
I had a dream I was on a road trip from California
to Iowa. I wasn't the one driving but I kept thinking I should take
over to relieve the driver so she wouldn't fall asleep. She wouldn't
let me because she said she was doing fine.
The dream had us driving through the mountains in California and
right over a mountain in the distance was Cedar Rapids, IA. There
were some obstacles before our goal though. The first obstacle were
power lines. We had to walk alongside them without getting electrocuted.
The lines were only 6 feet off the ground and the path was through
a ditch so we had to follow the electrical lines. After a
couple minutes of worrying about having a jolt of electricity jump
through us, we made it back to the main road. We were magically
back in the car and could see smog and the buildings of downtown
Cedar Rapids right over the top of a big hill (which used to be
a mountain). I mentioned how green everything was and that the trip
didn't seem that long... that driving along scenic routes was much
better and seemed much faster than driving through the desert. The
dream ended before reaching our goal but that's the way it always