Dreams for June 8th, 2003
I was dreaming that I was in elementary school (a
common theme!) and I was part of the family from Malcolm in the
Middle. Malcolm and his younger brother were both in the dream but
it was Malcolm that had more focus. Like in the TV show they were
always causing trouble and mischief. I was part of it too...
The dream started off with me being in elementary
school. I was upstairs coming out from class when Malcolm started
throwing food all over the place. It was like a food fight but only
he had food. Of course I didn't like it and I really do hate getting
food all over me so I started to fall back while blocking food with
my books. I retreated back down the stairs but he still wouldn't
quit and I finally got away from him when I made it to the bathroom
to wash myself off.
What he did wasn't fair. I really thought he was cheating
and not following the rules, which was to pull off the best mean
trick on Dewey, our little brother. Instead of pulling a mean trick
on Dewey, I decided to team up on him to get back at Malcolm...
...This is where my dream started to fade and end...
I guess my trick worked because the next part of my dream I had
Malcolm running. He ran past the school cafeteria, past the fence
and off of school property, and then through the parking lot. Whatever
I did must have been good!
My second dream was partly related to the night
before I fell asleep. Around midnight, I woke up to booms then popping.
I thought maybe it was thunder but it started to go off continuously.
I heard sirens off in the distance so I thought maybe there was
a serious accident with something exploding. My first thought was
the airport which is within clear view. It turned out to be fireworks...
Maybe for King Kamehameha Day celebrations?
I was in the garage and it was night. It must have
been late evening. The night seemed darker than usual and it was
raining. I was talking to some old friends at the entrance to the
garage when I heard a loud boom. The boom was definitely not fireworks
so I ran to the back of the garage to look out toward the airport.
There was a long fire stretched across the runway and a large fire
burning at the end near some large fuel tanks. The fuel tanks blew
and could be felt five miles away at my house. Black smoke was coming
out of the fires...
Then there was another explosion. This one was different.
This explosion leveled everything nearby and a small mushroom cloud
formed above. I could see the shockwave blowing everything away
in an increasing circle. The damage was already lessening within
two miles but the shockwave was still travelling... straight toward
my house. I yelled at everyone to get down. I stood and stared as
a wall of dust and debris flew in my direction then I ducked and
hid with everyone else.
...dream fades off... I thought maybe I felt hot air
rushing past me then I woke up.