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Dreams for June 16th, 2003
I had a dream I was back in Las Vegas. I think I was
just visiting instead of living there. I saw my best friend from
high school... Matt... We were driving around and stopping at stores.
First we went to K-Mart. I'm not sure what we were doing there but
I walked around the whole store. I think I was looking for a magazine.
I lost Matt but found him at a checkout counter as I was heading
out to the exit. Next we drove to Toys R Us. We went in the store
but he didn't seem interested so I was looking around on my own
again. I went to the puzzle section even though I'd rather be in
a section with better toys. I was browsing through the puzzles but
couldn't find any with nice enough pictures. The best one was a
picture of a whale and other ocean creatures. I was sort of interested
in that puzzle but it looked too much like one I already did. So
out the door to look for Matt. I found him talking to Liz and they
were both talking about me. They didn't know each other but I think
Matt must've recognized a picture of Liz that I had so he asked.
Matt had to go home because he was meeting his girlfriend so he
left me with Liz. She needed a ride somewhere so I offered it to
her but we would have to walk through a graveyard late at night
to get to my car. Nothing happened in the graveyard and we got to
my car which was a minivan (no mustang again!). The end.