Pinnochio Gone Bad
Another early dream from around age eight. I was
in the third grade at the time and living in Hawaii. My dad was
in the military so we moved a lot. We were living on base and I
was going to school where most of the kids were military brats like
me. I was a little uncomfortable in school so I was quiet and shy.
Every school day I couldn't wait to get home.
On weekends I would have to help my dad build things
in the backyard. I would have to hold boards of wood while my dad
cut with the power saw. Ow! My ears! I remember a kid in school
mentioning something about sawhorses, so whenever we got out the
sawhorses I would have this fascination for them. They had 2x4s
for legs and the hinges would lock onto a center 2x4 like teeth.
I always imagined them moving like animals... in a fun way. So why
am I telling you all this? I believe it's part of the reason for
my dreams... or nightmares!
This dream went on for a week and would always scare
me while I was asleep but didn't bother me while I was awake. I
don't like calling it a nightmare because I never thought my dreams
were scary enough to be called nightmares. There were slight variations
every night but they all were basically the same. So now my dream...
It always started off in school. School would let
out and I hurry out of Mrs. Matsumura's class to head for the bus.
But I would walk around the back side of my building instead of
the front. As soon as I would get back there, everything would change.
I would be alone in school. My spidey senses would go off telling
me that there was danger nearby and that I needed to run. So I would
run to the library building to hide. I couldn't stay though because
HE would be right behind, so I would run to the playground. He would
be still behind me chasing. I needed to get away from the school.
He was just a shadow of a monster at first. At least
for the first couple of nights. The rest of the nights he would
have full form throughout the dream. Who was he? He was a monster!
A man made out of wooden 2x4 beams and hinges like on the sawhorses.
He hardly ever stayed in view because I was always running away
from him. One thing I did know without seeing was that he could
spit acid tobacco that would burn right through my skin. That's
what I get for playing with grasshoppers all the time.
After he would chase me through the playground, I'd
run off school campus towards the base theater across the street.
Before I would make it to the theater I would turn left into a building.
The building was out of place because it was in the school parking
lot. I thought if I could make it in then I could lose the monster.
That wasn't so. Inside the building was a maze of hallways. I would
run, keeping far ahead of the monster but he would always be nearby.
The first night I woke up right before he caught me near the beginning
of the maze. The next few nights I would try to repeat what I did
the night before but it never came out exactly the same. I would
make it through the maze but only to see him at the other end because
he would take the short way around by walking outside of the building
to the exit.
The last couple of nights I had the dreams I would
end up in a room in the maze before the exit. The first night he
trapped me there but the final night I confronted him. At the back
of the room there were boxes that I could hide behind and in the
center of the room there was a campfire. I hid behind the boxes
before the wood monster came in. I thought he wouldn't see me but
I was wrong. He knew exactly where I was. I was so scared. I tried
to run out the exit but he was blocking my path. So I went for the
firewood to try to burn him. I reached for the end of a stick but
he spat acid tobacco at me. I backed off but then made a grab for
it again before he could get me. I got it! I won! I burned his foot
and it was all over for him. I didn't burn him completely but I
didn't have to because I won. That was the last night of the dream
and ever since I've had more control of my dreams. Monsters were
no match for me because I cheat!